Arhar (Tur/Red Gram)(Whole) Mandi Prices in Mandal Market

Arhar (Tur/Red Gram)(Whole)

Arhar (Tur/Red Gram)(Whole) price today in Mandal

Avg Price: 11250.00 INR/Quintal
Costliest Market Price: 12500.00 INR/Quintal
Cheapest Market Price: 10005.00 INR/Quintal
Latest Price Date: 2024-05-28

Last 7 days Summary

Commodity: Arhar (Tur/Red Gram)(Whole)
Market Details: Mandal, Ahmedabad, Gujarat
Avg Price: 11175.00 INR/Quintal
Costliest Market Price: 12505.00 INR/Quintal
Cheapest Market Price: 10005.00 INR/Quintal
Varieties: Arhar (Whole)

Arhar (Tur/Red Gram)(Whole) Market Prices today in Mandal

As per the current market rates, maximum price of Arhar (Tur/Red Gram)(Whole) is 12500.00 INR/Quintal in Mandal whereas the minimum rate is 10005.00 INR/Quintal in Mandal across varieties. The average price is 11250.00 INR/Quintal across varieties.

Get the latest and updated prices of Arhar (Tur/Red Gram)(Whole) in Mandal market located in district Ahmedabad in the state of Gujarat. You can compare the rates of different varieties of Arhar (Tur/Red Gram)(Whole) in Mandal market.

Price Updated at: Tue May 28 12:30:14 UTC 2024
Arrival Date Commodity Variety Min Price Max Price Modal Price
28-May-2024 Arhar (Tur/Red Gram)(Whole) Arhar (Whole) 10005.00 INR/Quintal
-20.00 Rs. Down
12500.00 INR/Quintal
-5.00 Rs. Down
11250.00 INR/Quintal
150.00 Rs. Up
27-May-2024 Arhar (Tur/Red Gram)(Whole) Arhar (Whole) 10025.00 INR/Quintal
20.00 Rs. Up
12505.00 INR/Quintal
555.00 Rs. Up
11100.00 INR/Quintal
200.00 Rs. Up
23-May-2024 Arhar (Tur/Red Gram)(Whole) Arhar (Whole) 10005.00 INR/Quintal
No Change
11950.00 INR/Quintal
-100.00 Rs. Down
10900.00 INR/Quintal
-100.00 Rs. Down
22-May-2024 Arhar (Tur/Red Gram)(Whole) Arhar (Whole) 10005.00 INR/Quintal
-245.00 Rs. Down
12050.00 INR/Quintal
400.00 Rs. Up
11000.00 INR/Quintal
400.00 Rs. Up
12-May-2024 Arhar (Tur/Red Gram)(Whole) Arhar (Whole) 10250.00 INR/Quintal
245.00 Rs. Up
11650.00 INR/Quintal
-725.00 Rs. Down
10600.00 INR/Quintal
-200.00 Rs. Down
8-May-2024 Arhar (Tur/Red Gram)(Whole) Arhar (Whole) 10005.00 INR/Quintal 12375.00 INR/Quintal 10800.00 INR/Quintal
Price checked at: 2024-05-31T12:30:14.406

Price trends for Arhar (Tur/Red Gram)(Whole) in Mandal market

Daily average price trends for Arhar (Tur/Red Gram)(Whole) in Mandal

Mandal Market Information

Address: Agricultural Produce Market Committee, Opp. Petrol Pump, Mandal, Dist. Ahmedabad

Arhar (Tur/Red Gram)(Whole) Market Prices today in Mandal

Daily mandi rate of Arhar (Whole) Arhar (Tur/Red Gram)(Whole) in Mandal

Arhar (Whole) variety of Arhar (Tur/Red Gram)(Whole) top best prices.

2024-05-08 10800.00 INR/Quintal
2024-05-12 10600.00 INR/Quintal
2024-05-22 11000.00 INR/Quintal
2024-05-23 10900.00 INR/Quintal
2024-05-27 11100.00 INR/Quintal
2024-05-28 11250.00 INR/Quintal

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the market price of Arhar (Tur/Red Gram)(Whole) today in Mandal?

Today's average market price of Arhar (Tur/Red Gram)(Whole) in Mandal is 11250.00 INR/Quintal.

10005.00 INR/Quintal is the minimum market price of Arhar (Tur/Red Gram)(Whole) in Mandal today.

12500.00 INR/Quintal is the maximum market price of Arhar (Tur/Red Gram)(Whole) in Mandal today.

The market price of 1 KG Arhar (Tur/Red Gram)(Whole) in Mandal today (28-May-2024) is 112.50 INR.

The common varieties of Arhar (Tur/Red Gram)(Whole) are Arhar (Whole) etc across different markets in India.

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