HMT Paddy(Dhan)(Common) Market Summary

Price summary of HMT Paddy(Dhan)(Common) for last 7 days

Available in Markets: 7
Avg Price: 6977.43 INR/Quintal
Costliest Market: Vellore
Costliest Market Price: 3349.00 INR/Quintal
Cheapest Market: Ammoor
Cheapest Market Price: 0.00 INR/Quintal

HMT Paddy(Dhan)(Common) Market Rates

Get the latest and updated prices for HMT Paddy(Dhan)(Common) from markets across India. These rates are from 7 markets in different states. You can compare the rates of HMT Paddy(Dhan)(Common) from markets from all over India.

As per the current market rates, maximum price of HMT Paddy(Dhan)(Common) is 3293.00 INR/Quintal in Chethupattu whereas the minimum rate is 1501.00 INR/Quintal in Chethupattu across varieties. The average price is 2771.00 INR/Quintal across varieties.

Price Updated at: Thu Dec 28 02:30:14 UTC 2023
Price Date Commodity / Variety Market Details Min Price Max Price Modal Price
27-Dec-2023 Paddy(Dhan)(Common) HMT Ammoor
District: Vellore
State: Tamil Nadu
2212.00 INR/Quintal 3025.00 INR/Quintal 2749.00 INR/Quintal
27-Dec-2023 Paddy(Dhan)(Common) HMT Vellore
District: Vellore
State: Tamil Nadu
2423.00 INR/Quintal 2808.00 INR/Quintal 2750.00 INR/Quintal
27-Dec-2023 Paddy(Dhan)(Common) HMT Chethupattu
District: Thiruvannamalai
State: Tamil Nadu
1501.00 INR/Quintal 3293.00 INR/Quintal 2760.00 INR/Quintal
27-Dec-2023 Paddy(Dhan)(Common) HMT Jagtial
District: Karimnagar
State: Telangana
2825.00 INR/Quintal 2825.00 INR/Quintal 2825.00 INR/Quintal
22-Dec-2023 Paddy(Dhan)(Common) HMT Suryapeta
District: Nalgonda
State: Telangana
1555.00 INR/Quintal 3002.00 INR/Quintal 2669.00 INR/Quintal
22-Dec-2023 Paddy(Dhan)(Common) HMT Chethupattu
District: Thiruvannamalai
State: Tamil Nadu
2075.00 INR/Quintal 3332.00 INR/Quintal 2963.00 INR/Quintal
22-Dec-2023 Paddy(Dhan)(Common) HMT Ammoor
District: Vellore
State: Tamil Nadu
2919.00 INR/Quintal 3079.00 INR/Quintal 2999.00 INR/Quintal
22-Dec-2023 Paddy(Dhan)(Common) HMT Vellore
District: Vellore
State: Tamil Nadu
2840.00 INR/Quintal 3319.00 INR/Quintal 3150.00 INR/Quintal
21-Dec-2023 Paddy(Dhan)(Common) HMT Chethupattu
District: Thiruvannamalai
State: Tamil Nadu
2144.00 INR/Quintal 3315.00 INR/Quintal 2819.00 INR/Quintal
21-Dec-2023 Paddy(Dhan)(Common) HMT Suryapeta
District: Nalgonda
State: Telangana
1926.00 INR/Quintal 3129.00 INR/Quintal 2873.00 INR/Quintal
21-Dec-2023 Paddy(Dhan)(Common) HMT Ammoor
District: Vellore
State: Tamil Nadu
3061.00 INR/Quintal 3172.00 INR/Quintal 3117.00 INR/Quintal
20-Dec-2023 Paddy(Dhan)(Common) HMT Choppadandi
District: Karimnagar
State: Telangana
2556.00 INR/Quintal 2556.00 INR/Quintal 2556.00 INR/Quintal
20-Dec-2023 Paddy(Dhan)(Common) HMT Ammoor
District: Vellore
State: Tamil Nadu
0.00 INR/Quintal 2652.00 INR/Quintal 2652.00 INR/Quintal
20-Dec-2023 Paddy(Dhan)(Common) HMT Vettavalam
District: Thiruvannamalai
State: Tamil Nadu
0.00 INR/Quintal 2772.00 INR/Quintal 2772.00 INR/Quintal
20-Dec-2023 Paddy(Dhan)(Common) HMT Chethupattu
District: Thiruvannamalai
State: Tamil Nadu
2227.00 INR/Quintal 3345.00 INR/Quintal 2919.00 INR/Quintal
20-Dec-2023 Paddy(Dhan)(Common) HMT Suryapeta
District: Nalgonda
State: Telangana
2079.00 INR/Quintal 3089.00 INR/Quintal 3069.00 INR/Quintal
20-Dec-2023 Paddy(Dhan)(Common) HMT Vellore
District: Vellore
State: Tamil Nadu
2857.00 INR/Quintal 3349.00 INR/Quintal 3200.00 INR/Quintal
19-Dec-2023 Paddy(Dhan)(Common) HMT Pendraroad
District: Bilaspur
State: Chattisgarh
2200.00 INR/Quintal 2200.00 INR/Quintal 2200.00 INR/Quintal
19-Dec-2023 Paddy(Dhan)(Common) HMT Vettavalam
District: Thiruvannamalai
State: Tamil Nadu
2356.00 INR/Quintal 2709.00 INR/Quintal 2533.00 INR/Quintal
19-Dec-2023 Paddy(Dhan)(Common) HMT Chethupattu
District: Thiruvannamalai
State: Tamil Nadu
1303.00 INR/Quintal 3332.00 INR/Quintal 2697.00 INR/Quintal
19-Dec-2023 Paddy(Dhan)(Common) HMT Ammoor
District: Vellore
State: Tamil Nadu
2247.00 INR/Quintal 3145.00 INR/Quintal 2827.00 INR/Quintal
19-Dec-2023 Paddy(Dhan)(Common) HMT Suryapeta
District: Nalgonda
State: Telangana
1719.00 INR/Quintal 3169.00 INR/Quintal 3059.00 INR/Quintal
18-Dec-2023 Paddy(Dhan)(Common) HMT Ammoor
District: Vellore
State: Tamil Nadu
1333.00 INR/Quintal 3080.00 INR/Quintal 2652.00 INR/Quintal
18-Dec-2023 Paddy(Dhan)(Common) HMT Chethupattu
District: Thiruvannamalai
State: Tamil Nadu
1467.00 INR/Quintal 3332.00 INR/Quintal 2684.00 INR/Quintal
18-Dec-2023 Paddy(Dhan)(Common) HMT Vellore
District: Vellore
State: Tamil Nadu
2745.00 INR/Quintal 2823.00 INR/Quintal 2800.00 INR/Quintal
28-Nov-2023 Paddy(Dhan)(Common) HMT Chethupattu
District: Thiruvannamalai
State: Tamil Nadu
2269.00 INR/Quintal 3140.00 INR/Quintal 2703.00 INR/Quintal

Price trends for HMT Paddy(Dhan)(Common)

Daily average price trends for HMT Paddy(Dhan)(Common)

HMT Paddy(Dhan)(Common) Market Rates

Best markets for HMT Paddy(Dhan)(Common)

Following are the top 5 markets where rate of HMT variety Paddy(Dhan)(Common) is the cheapest.

Pendraroad 2200.00 INR/Quintal
Vettavalam 2533.00 INR/Quintal
Choppadandi 2556.00 INR/Quintal
Ammoor 2652.00 INR/Quintal
Ammoor 2652.00 INR/Quintal
Suryapeta 2669.00 INR/Quintal

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for HMT Paddy(Dhan)(Common)

What is the price of Paddy(Dhan)(Common) in India?

The average price of Paddy(Dhan)(Common) in India is 2239.00 INR/Quintal today. Where the cheapest price is 1500.00 INR/Quintal in Balaghat and the most expensive market is Koratla offering price 4500.00 INR/Quintal.

The common varieties of Paddy(Dhan)(Common) are HMT etc across different markets in India.

The five best markets for HMT Paddy(Dhan)(Common) are Pendraroad(2200.00 Rs/Quintal), Vettavalam(2356.00 Rs/Quintal), Choppadandi(2556.00 Rs/Quintal), Ammoor(0.00 Rs/Quintal), Ammoor(1333.00 Rs/Quintal) and Suryapeta(1555.00 Rs/Quintal).

Top 10 markets in India

Market District State
Mumbai Mumbai Maharashtra
Sultanpur Sultanpur Uttar Pradesh
Mysore (Bandipalya) Mysore Karnataka
Faizabad Faizabad Uttar Pradesh
Pune Pune Maharashtra
Haldwani Nanital Uttrakhand
Hubli (Amaragol) Dharwad Karnataka
Malur Kolar Karnataka
Gadag Gadag Karnataka
Vishalpur Pillibhit Uttar Pradesh