Deshi Wheat Market Summary


Deshi Wheat - Latest Market Summary

Commodity: Wheat
Variety: Deshi
Avg Price: 2700.00 INR/Quintal
Costliest Market: Manendragarh
Costliest Market Price: 3150.00 INR/Quintal
Cheapest Market: Kadi
Cheapest Market Price: 2200.00 INR/Quintal
Latest Price Date: 27-Dec-2023
Other Varieties: Coarse, Superior, 147 Average, 147 Best, 1482, 2189 No. 1, 2189 No. 2, 2329, Bansi, Dara, 343, Chandausi, Dara Mill Quality, Farmi, H.D., Hybrid, Jawari, Kalyan, Kanak, Local, Lok-1, Lok -1 (Nilami Rate), Lokwan, Lokwan Gujrat, Lokwan MP No. 1, Maharashtra 2189, Medium, Medium Fine, Mexican, Milbar, Mill Quality, MP(Desi), MP Lokwan, MP Sharbati, Other, PISSI, Rajasthan Tukdi, Red, Sechor No. 1, Sharbati, Sona, Sonalika, Super Fine, White, WH-542,
Known as: Gehoon, Gehu

Price summary of Deshi Wheat for last 7 days

Available in Markets: 6
Avg Price: 5945.84 INR/Quintal
Costliest Market: Manendragarh
Costliest Market Price: 3150.00 INR/Quintal
Cheapest Market: Kadi
Cheapest Market Price: 2000.00 INR/Quintal

Deshi Wheat Market Rates

Get the latest and updated prices for Deshi Wheat from markets across India. These rates are from 6 markets in different states. You can compare the rates of Deshi Wheat from markets from all over India.

As per the current market rates, maximum price of Deshi Wheat is 3150.00 INR/Quintal in Manendragarh whereas the minimum rate is 2200.00 INR/Quintal in Kadi across varieties. The average price is 2700.00 INR/Quintal across varieties.

Price Updated at: Thu Dec 28 02:30:14 UTC 2023
Price Date Commodity / Variety Market Details Min Price Max Price Modal Price
27-Dec-2023 Wheat Deshi Tonk
District: Tonk
State: Rajasthan
2276.00 INR/Quintal 2350.00 INR/Quintal 2300.00 INR/Quintal
27-Dec-2023 Wheat Deshi Kadi
District: Mehsana
State: Gujarat
2200.00 INR/Quintal 2950.00 INR/Quintal 2650.00 INR/Quintal
27-Dec-2023 Wheat Deshi Manendragarh
District: Koria
State: Chattisgarh
3100.00 INR/Quintal 3150.00 INR/Quintal 3150.00 INR/Quintal
23-Dec-2023 Wheat Deshi Kadi
District: Mehsana
State: Gujarat
2305.00 INR/Quintal 2775.00 INR/Quintal 2600.00 INR/Quintal
23-Dec-2023 Wheat Deshi Bavla
District: Ahmedabad
State: Gujarat
2440.00 INR/Quintal 2800.00 INR/Quintal 2610.00 INR/Quintal
22-Dec-2023 Wheat Deshi Tonk
District: Tonk
State: Rajasthan
2270.00 INR/Quintal 2302.00 INR/Quintal 2281.00 INR/Quintal
22-Dec-2023 Wheat Deshi Kadi
District: Mehsana
State: Gujarat
2000.00 INR/Quintal 2955.00 INR/Quintal 2650.00 INR/Quintal
22-Dec-2023 Wheat Deshi Bavla
District: Ahmedabad
State: Gujarat
2445.00 INR/Quintal 2760.00 INR/Quintal 2655.00 INR/Quintal
21-Dec-2023 Wheat Deshi Khujner
District: Rajgarh
State: Madhya Pradesh
2370.00 INR/Quintal 2435.00 INR/Quintal 2405.00 INR/Quintal
21-Dec-2023 Wheat Deshi Kadi
District: Mehsana
State: Gujarat
2250.00 INR/Quintal 2755.00 INR/Quintal 2600.00 INR/Quintal
20-Dec-2023 Wheat Deshi Tonk
District: Tonk
State: Rajasthan
2275.00 INR/Quintal 2329.00 INR/Quintal 2309.00 INR/Quintal
20-Dec-2023 Wheat Deshi Ajaygarh
District: Panna
State: Madhya Pradesh
2315.00 INR/Quintal 2350.00 INR/Quintal 2325.00 INR/Quintal
20-Dec-2023 Wheat Deshi Khujner
District: Rajgarh
State: Madhya Pradesh
2400.00 INR/Quintal 2457.00 INR/Quintal 2440.00 INR/Quintal
20-Dec-2023 Wheat Deshi Kadi
District: Mehsana
State: Gujarat
2300.00 INR/Quintal 3015.00 INR/Quintal 2700.00 INR/Quintal
19-Dec-2023 Wheat Deshi Ajaygarh
District: Panna
State: Madhya Pradesh
2340.00 INR/Quintal 2380.00 INR/Quintal 2360.00 INR/Quintal
19-Dec-2023 Wheat Deshi Kadi
District: Mehsana
State: Gujarat
2350.00 INR/Quintal 2900.00 INR/Quintal 2700.00 INR/Quintal
18-Dec-2023 Wheat Deshi Tonk
District: Tonk
State: Rajasthan
2310.00 INR/Quintal 2374.00 INR/Quintal 2341.00 INR/Quintal
18-Dec-2023 Wheat Deshi Ajaygarh
District: Panna
State: Madhya Pradesh
2375.00 INR/Quintal 2390.00 INR/Quintal 2380.00 INR/Quintal
18-Dec-2023 Wheat Deshi Khujner
District: Rajgarh
State: Madhya Pradesh
2400.00 INR/Quintal 2460.00 INR/Quintal 2440.00 INR/Quintal
18-Dec-2023 Wheat Deshi Bavla
District: Ahmedabad
State: Gujarat
2575.00 INR/Quintal 2915.00 INR/Quintal 2605.00 INR/Quintal
28-Nov-2023 Wheat Deshi Manendragarh
District: Koria
State: Chattisgarh
2100.00 INR/Quintal 2100.00 INR/Quintal 2100.00 INR/Quintal

Price trends for Deshi Wheat

Daily average price trends for Deshi Wheat

Deshi Wheat Market Rates

Best markets for Deshi Wheat

Following are the top 5 markets where rate of Deshi variety Wheat is the cheapest.

Manendragarh 2100.00 INR/Quintal
Tonk 2281.00 INR/Quintal
Tonk 2300.00 INR/Quintal
Tonk 2309.00 INR/Quintal
Ajaygarh 2325.00 INR/Quintal
Tonk 2341.00 INR/Quintal

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Deshi Wheat

What is the price of Wheat in India?

The average price of Wheat in India is 2417.00 INR/Quintal today. Where the cheapest price is 1500.00 INR/Quintal in Indore(F&V) and the most expensive market is Bangalore offering price 4400.00 INR/Quintal.

The common varieties of Wheat are Deshi etc across different markets in India.

The five best markets for Deshi Wheat are Manendragarh(2100.00 Rs/Quintal), Tonk(2270.00 Rs/Quintal), Tonk(2276.00 Rs/Quintal), Tonk(2275.00 Rs/Quintal), Ajaygarh(2315.00 Rs/Quintal) and Tonk(2310.00 Rs/Quintal).

Top 10 markets in India

Market District State
Mumbai Mumbai Maharashtra
Sultanpur Sultanpur Uttar Pradesh
Mysore (Bandipalya) Mysore Karnataka
Faizabad Faizabad Uttar Pradesh
Pune Pune Maharashtra
Haldwani Nanital Uttrakhand
Hubli (Amaragol) Dharwad Karnataka
Malur Kolar Karnataka
Gadag Gadag Karnataka
Jafarganj Sultanpur Uttar Pradesh